Sunday, July 25, 2010

Prateesh Bazaar

Well..finally..this guy Donno why he calles himself Prateesh Bazar {Guess bcoz he is the one frm kanjhangad bazar} any way..he is categorized as a flirt by many..but tell u he is no flirt.. just a fun lovin and intensely funny, friend.. He is a lateral entry.... from kasargod.. made his specialization in Girls..[:D].. Just lyk every other LEs he was a bit apprehensive abt us and we abt him..but slowly we grew closer.. It tuk tym tho..!! But after the IV Prateesh Is totally In!!! He is a gud football player telling u!

Dats abt him!!

1 comment:

Melvin V Mathew said...

Bazaar=chantha daaaaaaaaaaaa suniiiiiiiiiiiiiii